Hope in a broken world
We live in a very broken world. This world needs hope! At Inspired Vision Compassion Center, we aspire to be the hands and feet of Jesus bringing hope to many in very difficult situations. We must not only pray over the broken, hungry, hurting, and poor but engage to support them in a tangible way. Our mission is so much more than giving food to the hungry. We strive to provide immediate needs and empower people to rise above their situations and build self-sufficiency.
Inspired Vision Compassion Center gave groceries to over 460,000 families in 2023 and we enroll 50 to 80 new families per day. On an average day, we see 1800 to 2000 families in poverty, many of whom are struggling to survive. We offer hope through prayer and service.
We have families facing many situations: eviction, homelessness, joblessness, and much more. Many of them come to us lacking basic needs such as hygiene items, clothing, furniture, formula, diapers, baby furniture, and medical equipment. We can meet many of their needs through the donations both monetary and tangible that we receive. It truly takes a community to meet the needs of so many hurting people.
Many of the senior citizens live on a $700 a month from social security, and only receive $7 to $12 a month in food stamps. They can't afford medicine. Many are going hungry, and are embarrassed to ask for help. When asked what he liked, one of our senor citizens replied "It doesn't matter. If it is food I will eat it." We must reach out to our senior citizens and provide the support that they need.
Children and Babies
We have parents that come in without baby furniture, with no food or diapers. We see babies crying because they are hungry and parents who have wrapped towels around their babies in place of proper diapers. We find diapers and formula for them thanks to donors who provide diapers and formula as well as other baby items. We help pregnant mothers obtain the basic necessities that they need to bring their unborn baby into the world. These children are our future and have value. They deserve our best.